October 22, 2014 – Fairhope, AL

October 22, 2014 – Fairhope, AL

October 22, 2014

NM – 0 miles –

Total Miles: 504

LOCKS Today- 0

Total Locks – 12 (Dirty Dozen)

Got up early and headed out for a walk with the pups.  John went out before me and I followed.  They walked along the beach but I walked the road trying to find them.  I should have known to walk a little further down the beach to find them.  Beautiful day overlooking the bay.


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Today we stayed at the marina for a the day and were excited to see Glenn and Brenda from Young at Heart.  They were at the Yacht Club across the marina from us.  They came over in their dinghy to see us and the marina.  It was nice chatting with them before we headed out around 11:30 to check out the town.  Oh my what a gem this town is! We enjoyed lunch at Yardarm Restaurant on the pier.  Family owned restaurant that has been around for 40 years and Granny still works at the front counter.  She developed the Gumbo and coleslaw recipes and both were delish I might add.  Everyone’s food was very good and we did not leave a drop on our plates.  Dick even liked his fried chicken which is saying something!!


The fountain in the downtown pier had pink water.  We noticed that throughout town there were Pink ribbons tied on trees and light pole around the whole downtown area.  The shops were unique and there were many along the downtown street that we ventured.  Everyone is so proud of their town and will tell you all you want to know about their gem.  They feel like they have not really come to be known by those vacationing in the area.  They love their town and want to keep the down home feeling you get when walking the streets.  I would love to come back to this town and visit again.


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We ran a few errands after shopping and headed back to the boat.  After sitting around the tables we met another looper from Victoria Canada.  Caroline Ehmann from Friendly Cove II.  We talked about the trip down to Florida and which anchorages were the best and where to keep their boat for the winter while they head home for a couple of months.


Heading out in the morning for The Wharf Marina at Orange Beach.  We will be at this marina for the week.  Excited to venture out along the coast towards Orange Beach.  We have enjoyed our stay at Fairhope and recommend you stopping by and experiencing the gem the town is.



1 Comment

  • Eufloria

    October 23, 2014 at 5:42 pm Reply

    Nice recap

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