October 24, 2014-The Wharf Marina Orange Beach, AL

October 24, 2014-The Wharf Marina Orange Beach, AL

Main Street The Wharf all in pink


October 24, 2014

NM – 0 miles –

Total Miles: 542

LOCKS Today- 0   

Total Locks – 12

Today we took a great morning walk checking out the area and trying to get a little more exercise into our day.  The guys were planning on heading out to West Marine on their bikes and I was meeting Jackie for coffee before her hair appointment at the Fusion salon.  We had coffee at The Grind along Main Street and enjoyed people watching while we sipped our coffee.


Today was a work day on the boat.  John washed the salt off the sides and top of boat and I worked on the inside.  I also took a little time to do some knitting today.  I am definitely getting behind on my projects and can’t seem to figure out how to get more hours in my days to accomplish all that I want to.  John scheduled Xtreme Marine to come check out some of the electronics on the boat and make sure everything is running smoothly and all connected with one another. Looks like they will come by next week since we did not hear from them today.  We made three trips to the marina office, which is on the other side of the marina from us and about 1/2 mile, looking for packages from an order John placed earlier in the week. Finally we got the call they were in and off we went for our afternoon walk to the office.  We took Brandi and Bailey so they would have a little exercise.


2014-10-24 14.20.28  2014-10-24 14.21.14

2014-10-24 14.35.50  2014-10-24 14.21.36
Lots of gray egrets in this marina overlooking the water waiting on their dinner to swim by.


We headed out for cocktails with Inge and Dick from Bon Foeyage, John and Jackie from EuFLORia.  The Wharf is all decked out in pink for October Awareness month.  Everywhere you look there is mention of support for the cause in the windows of the shops to the lights throughout the Shopping and dining area.  It was truly beautiful.


2014-10-24 19.07.07
 Thanks Jackie for the picture of John and I.  

1 Comment

  • George

    October 29, 2014 at 9:15 am Reply

    Love your pictures.

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